Green Verge
About the project:
Earth Restore, as part of its maiden project, has adopted a large green verge in New Town, (India) and is creating an urban forest with mainly bamboo clumps and other native plants, to do its part in climate action - help create an eco-zone, encourage bio diversity, foster a breathing lung for the inhabitants of the area. This is being done slowly but steadily through bridging the gap between multi-stakeholders like the Government, Community, civil societies, Academics, individuals, corporations. The project emphasizes on 'Walking the Talk' when it comes to climate action.
Google Link:- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/embed?mid=1ks5zT4B0Otmi-OK01xlvR0zBf8LAnvyO&ehbc=2E312F
Project Visuals:

Sanghamitra Oasis
About the project:
'Sanghamitra Oasis' is a garden of calmness, peace and mindfulness among the busy, stressful urban life. Built by the Ray family working with 'Sustainable Advancements' within their Earth Restore project, the 'Oasis' is dedicated to the memory of the 'Ray' family's young daughter, 'Sanghamitra' whom they lost to cerebral hemorrhage, possibly triggered by stress and high pressure that young people are now subject to. Through the first oasis that has come up as part of the Earth Restore project with Sustainable Advancements, we want to urge young people to slow down, pause and reflect. The oasis is also acting as a focal point of building awareness on cerebral and mental health especially in women.
Drop By: https://goo.gl/maps/6nZNUpqCtpkrn5Vm9
Know More: https://www.facebook.com/SanghamitraOasis
Project Visuals:
