
At Clinisys, we are dedicated to making patients, citizens, and communities around the world, healthier and safer. As a global corporate enterprise, we are laser focused to create an impact guided by our Environmental Social and Governance goals. In India, our Corporate Social Responsibility programs are designed to help build resilient and sustainable local communities. Over the last few years, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee have initiated specific CSR initiatives to help overcome environmental and societal challenges. Ensuring ‘health and well- being’ of communities is one of our CSR priorities in India.
In 2021-2022, we have steered strategic initiatives like ‘Ayurjanani’ and ‘Jeevanam’ to pursue this vision further.

Jeevanam, one of the CSR projects by Clinisys aims to ensure environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna, agroforestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining quality of soil, air and water pursuant to SDG 13, that aims to ‘Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts’. Under this project, the activities undertaken so far includes, but does not limit to creating ongoing awareness among multiple stakeholders on the issue through webinars, creation and distribution of this Eco Lexicon, plantations, creation of urban forests, nature visits to name a few.

Ayurjanani, one of the CSR projects of Clinisys aims to promote women’s health care and eradication of anemia pertaining to SDG 3 that aims to promote ‘Good health and well-being.’ Under this initiative, Clinisys has been conducting ongoing research, creating awareness through webinars, disseminating through innovative media like creation of Recipe books with iron rich recipes to name a few. However, some of the critical impacts lie in distributing iron-rich food to 3 shelter homes in Kolkata and Bengaluru (India) on a regular basis and also continuously monitoring the change in their hemoglobin profile from time to time.